Mike Tyson booked for Roast and Toast charity event | MN2S

The boxing world champion was booked through MN2S for a charity event in Texas.

Mike Tyson was booked through MN2S for a Roast and Toast charity event. Thrown in support of the Youth Development Center, the event took place in Houston, Texas. Mike made an appearance for the event’s guests and delivered a comic speech written by a cast writer for Saturday Night Live. Mike Tyson will go down in history as one of the most talented fighters to ever compete in the sport of boxing. Tyson retired in 2006, after earning more than $30 million for some of his fights and more than $300 million for his whole career. He’s still a boxing legend and a well-known figure with a tons of charisma, sporting skill, and star power.

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MN2S represents Mike Tyson and other Talent. View artist bio

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