“A Night of Symphonic Rock” is an extraordinary musical spectacle that transcends the boundaries of classic rock, seamlessly blending the raw energy of legendary bands with the refined elegance of a full symphonic orchestra. Featuring collaborations with iconic rock artists such as Lou Gramm, Micky Thomas, Robin McCauley, John Elefante, and the renowned German rock singer Terri Nunn, this touring extravaganza has become a phenomenon, hailed by audiences across North America as “the ultimate rock experience.”
The magic of “A Night of Symphonic Rock” lies in its ability to infuse classic rock hits with new life and emotion through the addition of strings, brass, and percussion. Virtuoso musicianship and dazzling vocal performances take center stage, delivering reimaginings of iconic songs like Led Zeppelin’s ‘Kashmir,’ Starship’s ‘We Built this City,’ Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believin’,’ Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ and Meatloaf’s ‘Bat Out of Hell.’ The setlist spans the rock spectrum, encompassing hits from Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, The Eagles, and Bon Jovi.
Critics have showered praise on “A Night of Symphonic Rock” for its outstanding musicianship and spectacular production. This show is a captivating opportunity for rock enthusiasts of all ages to witness their favorite songs performed in a breathtaking fusion of rock and symphony, creating an unforgettable experience that resonates with the soul of each timeless melody.