The contemporary theatre show Fuerza Bruta, created by Artistic Director Diqui James is best described as an energetic 360-degree performance during which audience members have the opportunity to interact with the cast.
Originating from Buenos Aries in 2003, Fuerza Bruta has since been seen by over 500,000 people, allowing them to experience exhilarating theatrical thrills that awaken the senses. Made up of a collection of fast-paced acts that are accompanied by awe-inspiring aerial displays, and live music, much of the performance is set above the audience adding yet another unique quality to the show. Described as “sexy, heart-pounding fantasy” by the Daily News, Fuerza Bruta is forever developing new performances, providing audiences with fresh new and changing experiences. For almost 10 years, since 2007 Fuerza Bruta ran in Downtown New York, Off-Broadway at the landmark Daryl Roth Theatre, during which time the show enjoyed over 3,000 performances. Following its close in 2016, the iconic show has gone on to travel the world and has since been performed at top venues in cities including London, Berlin, Shanghai and Tokyo.
Made up of 16 core cast members, Fuerza Bruta has seen notable performances from leading artists including the R&B musician Usher, the American dancer Daniel “Cloud” Campos, Eunhyuk a member of the South Korean boy band Super Junior and H.O.T band member Jang Woo-hyuk. In 2009 Fuerza Bruta also performed as the exhilarating interval performance at the Eurovision Song Contest.