Thomas Cummings, known professionally as Tommy Vext, is a renowned American heavy metal vocalist celebrated for his work with Bad Wolves, Divine Heresy, and Westfield Massacre. Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, Vext’s music career began in the vibrant local hardcore scene, where he first gained attention with his band Maniacal Disciple, which later evolved into Vext—a name inspired by the Wu-Tang Clan.
In 2006, Vext’s career took a significant turn when he joined Divine Heresy, a band formed by Fear Factory’s Dino Cazares. Their debut album, *Bleed the Fifth*, released in 2007, showcased Vext’s powerful voice and marked his emergence on a larger stage. In 2011, Vext reformed his eponymous band with new members, releasing the EP *Impermanence* in 2012.
His journey saw him on tour with Mayhem Festival 2013 and relocating to Los Angeles. In 2017, Vext co-founded a side project with former DevilDriver drummer John Boecklin, resulting in Bad Wolves. Their 2018 debut album, *Disobey*, achieved notable success, peaking at number 23 on the US Billboard 200. However, Vext departed from Bad Wolves in early 2021, citing personal reasons and political disagreements.
Aside from his music career, Vext has been an advocate for sobriety, founding a non-profit organization in 2014 to support addiction recovery. His efforts earned him the Rock to Recovery 3 Service Award in 2018. On December 18, 2023, Vext released his album *A.N.T.A.R.C.T.I.C.A*, with a broader release scheduled for May 18, 2024.