Host of The Geeky Retro Nerds Show Pop Culture Podcast, Adam Gradwell is a king among geeks. Gradwell grew up in the 1980s and has a fondness for the films, television shows, and music of his youth. He was a huge fan of E. T., Star Wars, Back to the Future, and Big Trouble in Little China. Gradwells’ passion for films from the 1980s and 1990s led to the creation of his popular podcast, in which he interviews people from his favourite films, television shows, and music. Paul Young, Sam J Jones, Josh Heald, Bill Bailey, and others are among the guests.
Scene Stealers Booking Management, which Gradwell co-owns, is a booking management service for comic cons and events. Scene Stealers is a global leader in bringing top celebrities from the entertainment industry as guests to comic conventions, events, or private signings. Back to the Future, Star Wars, The Thing, Karate Kid, Gremlins, Goodfellas, Cobra Kai, Flight of the Navigator, Beverly Hills Cop, The Sopranos, Eerie Indiana, The Goonies, and many more movies and TV series are covered, so customers sure to find someone who fits their occasion and budget.
Gradwell is a member of the wonderful Life After Movies creative team, which creates biographical films based on their favourite films. He is married with three children and lives in Scotland. Gradwell keeps up with his fans on Twitter @adamgradwell, where he boasts more than 7,000 followers.