Alice Klomp, more famously known as Pineapple Brat, is a fitness model and Instagram icon. With over 1.5 million followers on Instagram and counting, Klomp has taken the social media scene by storm with her informative workout routines, viral selfies, and valuable advice around nutrition.
The model is famous for saying, “No sweat, no beauty, no squat, no booty.” As Klomp’s online presence kept growing, so did her desire to grow and develop herself in the fitness industry. In 2017, she received her personal training certification and now she has a prospering online community of people who are looking to better themselves in the same way Klomp tries to. Klomp’s fitness app has received rave reviews, her likeable personality and warm nature has captivated younger audiences that want to embark upon a healthier lifestyle. In the app, she offers tailored workout programs to help users achieve their own personal goals. Klomp attended Michigan State University, where she studied advertising and graphics design, which explains why she is one of the best in the game at self promotion!
Klomp is also a major partner with Myprotein, the social media queen can often be seen on her Instagram sporting the latest drops from the brand’s fashion department. The brand has even collaborated with Klomp to bring her fans and followers the star’s own personal collection of supplement essentials. Klomp’s career is still just beginning, and in a short time, she has found the limelight. Without a doubt, the sensation has become an inspirer and a role model for hundreds of thousands of people across the globe.