Annie Segarra, also known by her YouTube moniker Annie Elainey, is a YouTuber, artist, and LGBT and disability rights activist from the United States. Segarra, who is lesbian, Latinx, and disabled, works to promote accessibility, body positivity, and the proper media portrayal of disadvantaged groups. Stop Hating Your Body, Segarra’s Tumblr account, became a popular place for people to exchange tales about body image and self-love in 2010. She has been invited to speak about body image issues in numerous schools. Segarra created a YouTube channel and began vlogging about body image and eating disorder recovery as Annie Elainey.
Segarra began feeling pain while walking in 2014 and finally required the use of a wheelchair to get about. She was diagnosed with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS), a genetic collagen condition, when she was 26 years old. Segarra’s YouTube channel chronicled her disability experiences and ideas. She has credited Frida Kahlo, a gay Latina who also suffered from chronic pain, as an inspiration.
The 2017 Women’s March, according to Segarra, lacked visibility and accessibility for disabled individuals. In response, she designed a t-shirt with the text “The Future is Accessible,” based on a popular 1970s “The Future is Female” shirt. Segarra was named to the Latino 20 in 2017. She was chosen to be a part of the YouTube NextUp program in 2019. Segarra keeps up with her fans on Instagram @annieelainey, where she boasts more than 25,000 followers.