Austen Kroll and Craig Conover have become household names as stars of the hit reality television show, Southern Charm. Since its premiere on Bravo in March 2014, the show has captivated audiences with a glimpse into the lives of seven socialites from Charleston, South Carolina. Set against the backdrop of local historical sites like Lewisfield Plantation and the Mikell House, Southern Charm delves into the region’s rich Southern culture and political history.
In a surprising twist, Conover and Kroll were announced as stars of the spin-off series, Summer House Winter Charm, in February 2021. This crossover event sees them joining the cast of Summer House for a vacation to Stowe, Vermont. While the Summer House cast includes familiar faces like Lindsay Hubbard, Ciara Miller, Amanda Batula, Paige DeSorbo, Kyle Cooke, and Luke Gulbranson, Kroll and Conover are the sole representatives from Southern Charm.
Rumors and speculations about the cast’s romantic entanglements add an extra layer of intrigue to the mix. Although DeSorbo clarified her relationship with Conover on the Not Skinny Not Fat podcast, the dynamic between Kroll and Summer House’s Miller and Hubbard remains a topic of discussion among fans.
Beyond their on-screen adventures, Kroll and Conover are extending their partnership into the business realm. After the success of their podcast series, Pillows and Beer, the dynamic duo announced plans to open a new restaurant in their hometown of Charleston, showcasing their entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to expanding their ventures. As the Southern Charm stars continue to make waves both on and off-screen, fans eagerly anticipate the drama and excitement that their joint projects bring to the forefront.