Louis Mario Freese, better known as B-Real, is a titan of hip hop whose indelible mark on the genre spans decades. As one of the founding members of Cypress Hill alongside Sen Dog, B-Real has been a driving force in shaping the sound and culture of rap since 1991.
Beyond Cypress Hill, B-Real’s musical journey has been dynamic and eclectic. He ventured into rap metal with Kush from 2000 to 2002, collaborated in the hip hop supergroup Serial Killers from 2013 to the present, and rocked stages with the rap rock ensemble Prophets of Rage from 2016 to 2019.
His solo ventures showcase his versatility, with mixtapes and albums like “Smoke n Mirrors” (2009) and “Tell You Something” (2020) demonstrating his lyrical prowess and innovation.
Cypress Hill’s groundbreaking self-titled debut album and the subsequent triumph of “Black Sunday” catapulted them to legendary status, making history as the first Latin rap group to achieve platinum and multi-platinum success. B-Real’s collaborations with icons like Snoop Dogg and Hollywood Undead further underscore his influence and reach in the industry.
Outside of music, B-Real has cemented his legacy as an entrepreneur and cultural influencer. From partnerships in the cannabis industry to his thriving live streaming platform Breal.tv, he continues to push boundaries and connect with audiences worldwide. As the host of popular video podcasts like The Dr. Greenthumb Podcast and The Smokebox, B-Real remains at the forefront of hip hop culture, inspiring generations with his music, entrepreneurship, and advocacy.