Becky Robertson, the charismatic trailer park owner and reality television sensation, rose to prominence as a central figure on TLC’s hit series, “Welcome to Myrtle Manor.” As the proud manager of the beloved Myrtle Manor trailer park located near the scenic Myrtle Beach area in South Carolina, Robertson played a pivotal role in the show, capturing the hearts of viewers with her genuine warmth and down-to-earth charm.
Born into a legacy of trailer park management, Robertson is the daughter of the park’s owner and has seamlessly taken on the role of manager. The Robertson family has been at the helm of this thriving business for many years, evolving into local legends and an integral part of the community fabric.
“Welcome to Myrtle Manor,” which premiered in 2013, provided an entertaining glimpse into the lives, relationships, and challenges of the trailer park’s residents and staff. Robertson emerged as the heart and soul of the show, endearing herself to fans who quickly embraced her as a key figure in the success of Myrtle Manor.
The show’s popularity resulted in multiple seasons and inspired spin-off projects, solidifying Robertson’s status as a fan favorite. Today, Myrtle Manor attracts visitors from across America, eager to experience the charm of the park and catch a glimpse of the affable Becky Robertson, who remains deeply rooted in her community.
Beyond the realm of reality TV, Becky Robertson continues to manage her business with passion and dedication, embodying the warm-hearted and lovable personality that endeared her to audiences nationwide. In Myrtle Manor, she is not just a local celebrity but a cherished cornerstone of the community she calls home.