Caché Melvin, affectionately known as Kitty Cash, is a captivating artist whose prowess as a professional dancer has graced screens big and small. Hailing from Maryland, her journey in the world of dance began at the esteemed Baltimore School of the Arts, where she honed her craft with dedication and passion.
Venturing to Los Angeles to chase her dreams, Melvin quickly made her mark in the industry, becoming a sought-after talent for music videos, TV shows, films, and live performances. Her mesmerizing moves have adorned the works of renowned choreographers such as Tricia Miranda, Yanis Marshall, and Aisha Francis, earning her acclaim and admiration.
With an impressive résumé boasting collaborations with music icons like Janet Jackson, Kanye West, and Justin Bieber, Melvin has solidified her status as a dance sensation. Her versatility shines through in her appearances on ABC’s Uncle Buck, Disney’s Best Friends Whenever, and the critically acclaimed biopic Straight Outta Compton.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Melvin remains deeply connected to her fans, regularly sharing snippets of her vibrant life on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. She also offers personalized shout-outs through the Cameo platform, further engaging with her devoted followers.
As she continues to captivate audiences with her undeniable talent and magnetic presence, Caché Melvin stands as a testament to the power of passion and perseverance in the pursuit of artistic excellence.