Captain Bob Cook is a renowned figure in the world of fishing, celebrated for his captivating appearances on National Geographic’s popular series, Wicked Tuna. Boasting a USCG 100GT Licensed Captain status, Cook brings over twenty-five years of experience navigating the Northeast waters. His expertise extends across various fishing techniques, including inshore and offshore lobstering, gillnetting, and commercial sword fishing.
Cook’s journey into the world of fishing began at the age of ten when he started working on lobster boats, both inshore and offshore. This early passion persisted through high school, leading him to explore striper fishing and eventually specialize in the pursuit of giant bluefin tuna. Ten years ago, he hooked his first colossal bluefin tuna, sparking an unrelenting pursuit that defines his career today.
Consistently ranking at the top of the fleet in tuna fishing, Cook’s exceptional skills caught the attention of Wicked Tuna producers, earning him a coveted spot on the show. He captains the Fat Tuna, a vessel he co-owns with his wife, showcasing his dedication and prowess in every episode.
Beyond his television success, Cook operates a thriving charter business, offering harbor cruises, ride-alongs, and occasional bluefin fishing excursions. Off the water, he manages Little Italy Pizzeria on Cabot Street, a restaurant he purchased 15 years ago, where he personally tends to the ovens. Engaging with thousands of fans across social media, Captain Bob Cook provides an insider’s perspective into his exhilarating career, solidifying his status as a beloved figure in the fishing community.