A teen sensation, Casey Simpson is best known for his breakthrough role as Ricky Harper on the hit Nickelodeon comedy series Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn alongside Brian Stepanek, Allison Munn and Aidan Gallagher. The series centres on the quadruplets Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn Harper who – although spending a lot of their time squabbling – are tasked to work together to solve an array of everyday situations. Ricky is the second oldest of the quadruplets and is known as the “smart one” in the group, always carrying a book or completing his homework. He also prides himself on being a neat freak and having an exemplary behavior record.
Simpson later went on to star in the movie Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library (2017) as Kyle Keeley, a movie in which twelve 12-year olds are stuck in the middle of a labyrinthine, futuristic library. Such is Simpson’s level of early success that he was nominated for Kids Choice Awards in both 2016 and 2017. He’s appeared in various commercials, in a guest role on ABC’s The Goldbergs and also featured alongside Demi Moore in the Lifetime television movie Five (2011).
Casey Simpson has already reached a staggering level of success, drumming up millions of followers on Instagram for appearances on Nickelodeon. He’s now set to become one of the biggest stars of the next few years and will be looking to make further exciting strides in the entertainment industry.