Choi Soo-young, known mononymously as Sooyoung, is a versatile South Korean singer, actress, and songwriter celebrated for her contributions to both music and television. Beginning her career as part of the Korean-Japanese duo Route 0 in 2002, Sooyoung transitioned to become a pivotal member of Girls’ Generation in 2007, propelling the group to international stardom as one of South Korea’s most iconic girl groups.
Alongside her success with Girls’ Generation, Sooyoung has carved a notable path in acting, starring in a diverse array of television dramas including “The Third Hospital” (2012), “Dating Agency: Cyrano” (2013), “My Spring Days” (2014), “Squad 38” (2016), and “Tell Me What You Saw” (2020). Her roles in “Man in the Kitchen” (2017–2018), “Run On” (2021), “So I Married the Anti-fan” (2021), “If You Wish Upon Me” (2022), and “Not Others” (2023) showcase her versatility and enduring popularity.
In October 2017, Sooyoung departed from SM Entertainment but continues to be an integral member of Girls’ Generation. She embarked on a solo career with Echo Global Group, releasing her debut solo single “Winter Breath” in 2018 before joining Saram Entertainment in 2019.
Beyond acting and music, Sooyoung is recognized for her involvement in various charitable causes and her influence as a fashion icon. Her continuous evolution in entertainment reflects her enduring impact on South Korea’s cultural landscape.