Entrepreneur, businesswoman and star of reality show The Real Housewives of Dallas, D’Andra Simmons is a larger than life TV personality.
Simmons first came into the public eye when she was cast as part of the popular reality show The Real Housewives. She was an original member of the Dallas cast, and is known as part of the elite social scene in the city. Her family is one of the wealthiest and most powerful in the close knit community, and her and her mother’s power struggle over the family business became notorious in the show. She eventually took over the family business, and is now the CEO of Ultimate Living, a high end nutrition brand which creates all natural supplements. She also runs Hard Night Good Morning, a skin care and beauty brand which makes aloe vera based products and is based on Simmons’ years of experience as a nutrition expert and alternative therapy advocate. She also hosts a popular podcast show, called I Don’t Give a Rip, in which she shares her tips for coping with challenging situations and provides listeners with insights on wellbeing, as well as interviews with special guests.
This inspirational wellbeing expert, businesswoman and television star is now a central figure in the wellness world, and juggles her businesses with family life in Dallas. She continues to make guest appearances and is always invited to the most exclusive parties and events in the Texan cultural hub.