Canadian influencer, Derek Jacob Kesseler, is known for being a fashion and adventure advocate. After he moved to Vancouver from Beaumont, Kesseler has been very committed to trying everything he ever wanted. Kesseler tried opening a business but later shut it down to participate at Big Brother Canada. Although he did not win, Kesseler made it to the Final 3. During his time at Big Brother, Kesseler was the center of attention for the viewers as he caused drama just so that he could put other participants on edge. The reason he did so was so that other participants would be pushed to their limits just so all the viewers would understand that all human beings act the same when under pressure. However, during his time at Big Brother Canada, Kesseler was friends with almost all participants. Currently, Kesseler has opened his own media company. His blogging is what Kesseler enjoys most. Apart from inspiring his followers on fashion and adventure, Kesseler is also an advocate on positive thinking and mind management. His intention is to help his followers reach the life they want to create for themselves and the life that will make them happy. To his followers he is seen as a genuine, energetic and adventurous guy.