Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Joyce Park is the founder of the world-renowned Skin Refinery clinic and the educator and content creator at Tea with MD. She shares and connects with her many online followers through her popular blog, talking about everything from beauty and skin care to fashion, medicine, travel and her family. Passionate about using social media to educate the general public about skin health, she has amassed over 156,000 followers on her Instagram account and over half a million followers on video sharing app TikTok.
Hailing from Northern California, Park earned her BA and MD at Stanford University. The dermatologist also has a background in medical journalist and worked at the medical units of both ABC News and NBC news. She began her blog during a gap year from medical school in 2011, in between interning at NBC and working at the WHO headquarters in Geneva. Although that blog is now long gone, she began a new online space in 2013 during her third year at medical school, using writing as an outlet during the stress of her clinical years, dermatology residency and intern year. A decade on she has since started her own virtual practise, and her blog has been with her the whole way and see everything that she has been through and achieved. Her goal is to continue to inspire, educate and entertain other women who want to pursue a medical career whilst also achieving a work-life balance.