Enni Rukajärvi is the epitome of the quiet snowboarder stereotype—a person who lets their riding speak for itself. Rukajärvi is a lady of few words and content to sit and listen to conversations around her, which is a characteristic quality of the Finns. Though she is one of the most powerful snowboarders on the circuit, with a unique style that frequently blows her competitors away, her timidity doesn’t translate to the mountain.
Rukajärvi is a graduate of the snowboard-specific Sotkamo Sport School, which has produced riders with a very strong pedigree including Peetu Piroinen, Roope Tonteri, Markus Malin, and Saku Tiilikainen. The school gave her the opportunity to study alongside Finland’s snowboard megastars.
Rukajärvi began picking up significant victories throughout the 2009–2010 campaign. She won the Roxy Chicken Jam and the Horsefeathers Pleasure Jam in the same season. She not only competed in the Burton European Pipe the day following the Roxy Chicken Jam, but also in the Slopestyle, winning first place. Rukajärvi followed this up with a victory in slopestyle at the Canadian Open, and as a result, she was named the 2009–10 TTR Champion Overall. Since then, she has had some outstanding accomplishments, including being ranked 2nd overall and 5th in slopestyle on The World Snowboard Tour. She keeps up with her fans on Instagram @ennirukajarvi, where she boasts more than 44,000 followers.