Despite being in her 50s and a mother of two, Farm Girl Jen is in the shape of her life. Her hugely popular Youtube channel – boasting over 700K subscribers – is called Banshee Moon, named after the expansive farm she lives on with her husband, and she’s an age-defying, fitness-obsessed influencer and businesswoman from North Carolina.
Since she started posting videos of herself carrying out outdoorsy activities and chores on the farm with the help of her husband – who is nicknamed Exoman – in 2012, she has taken the internet by storm. She has a prominent presence on all major social media platforms, and more recently has set up an Onlyfans account where she proudly flaunts the physique she has worked so hard to attain. Her business exploits include an environmentally friendly bikini line made from recycled fishing net, and the sale of her own merchandise such as signed calendars.
Farm Girl Jen prides herself on being an inspiration to those wishing to enjoy a fun, active and healthy lifestyle after 50. Her day-to-day is action-packed: shooting guns, cutting down trees with a chainsaw, driving fast cars, axe throwing and so much more. Her life-affirming, carefree and flirtatious attitude makes her content an absolute joy to watch, not to mention informative and entertaining. Farm Girl Jen is a wonderfully authentic voice in an oversaturated digital space, serving as a reminder that you can get fit and live a life of manifold possibilities regardless of your age.