Faysal Shafaat, more commonly known as “Fessy” is a beloved fixture on American TV screens as both an athlete and a reality TV contestant. Shafaat was formerly an American football player for the University of Tennessee. Fans of the University’s Football team enjoyed watching Shafaat score touchdowns as a nimble tight end. The remarkable player would become a two-time competitor the All-American Subdivision Football Championship, yet after graduating college in 2015, Shafaat decided to re-direct his talents towards competitive reality TV shows. Capturing audiences’ attention through a combination of stoic determination and confident swagger, Shafaat initially found fame on Season 20 of Big Brother in which his memorable persona paved the way for an illustrious future career in reality television. Later appearing on the 35th season of The Challenge, and American Ninja Warrior, Shafaat uses his physical prowess and audacious tenacity to cement his position as a fan favourite and serious contender in the world of reality television. The physical demands and mental toil of The Challenge would prove to be no match for Shafaat’s capabilities as he competed in a series of difficult tasks and reached the finals of the 16-stage competition. The infectious determination of the athlete and contestant has translated into a significant social media following with many fans tuning into his Instagram and Twitter page @fessyfitness for their daily dose of inspiration, football expertise and reality TV commentary. It is clear that Shafaat is the living embodiment of the mantra that hard work pays off.