Forgiato Blow, born Kurt Jantz, is a distinctive figure in the realm of American rap, recognized for his fervent support of former President Donald Trump and the ideologies associated with his presidency. Professionally known as Forgiato Blow, he proudly labels himself as a pioneer of “MAGA rap,” carving a niche within the hip hop genre that aligns with Trumpist principles.
Although Jantz initially entered the music scene with his debut album in 2013, it was his shift towards political rap during the 2016 election that catapulted him into the spotlight. Embracing Trump’s cause, he rapidly garnered a dedicated fan base, particularly among Trump supporters. Jantz’s performances extended beyond the music realm, as he actively aligned himself with conservative figures such as Roger Stone, Matt Gaetz, and even associated with groups like the Proud Boys.
His music, often delving into culture war topics, provides a platform for his unapologetic views. Notably, a track critiquing Target’s promotion of pride merchandise, accusing the company of influencing children, soared to the #1 spot on iTunes, underscoring the impact of his messages within his community. Forgiato Blow stands as a unique voice within the musical landscape, blending his artistry with unwavering political advocacy.