George Shea is a renowned personality in the world of competitive eating, serving as the Master of Ceremonies at Nathan’s famous 4th of July International Hot Dog-Eating Contest since its inception in 1991. Born in 1967 in New York, George developed a passion for entertainment and communication at an early age, earning a degree in Communication and Theater from Boston College in 1989.
After completing his studies, George ventured into the entertainment industry, working as a production assistant and talent coordinator for various television shows. It wasn’t until 1997 when he crossed paths with his brother, Rich Shea, the co-founder of the International Federation of Competitive Eating (IFOCE), and discovered his true calling.
George quickly became the voice of the IFOCE, creating a unique and entertaining persona that captured the imagination of millions of fans around the world. His energy, wit, and passion for the sport of competitive eating have made him a beloved figure among competitors and spectators alike.
In addition to his work as the MC for Nathan’s famous 4th of July International Hot Dog-Eating Contest, George has also hosted and broadcasted countless other eating events around the world, including the Wing Bowl, the National Buffalo Wing Festival, and the Krystal Square Off.
He is also a published author, having written several books on the sport of competitive eating, including “The Glutton’s Handbook” and “The Chomping Chronicles.” George is also a sought-after motivational speaker, using his unique perspective and experience to inspire and motivate people from all walks of life.
George Shea’s contributions to the world of competitive eating have been immeasurable, and his larger-than-life personality has made him a true icon in the industry. He continues to serve as the Master of Ceremonies for Nathan’s famous 4th of July International Hot Dog-Eating Contest, inspiring competitors and entertaining audiences with his trademark style and passion.