Gregg Ritz, the world-renowned professional adventure hunter, has etched his name into the annals of outdoor exploration. As the host and executive producer of the acclaimed documentary series, “Hunt Masters,” aired on the Outdoor Channel, Ritz has captivated audiences with his relentless pursuit of record book trophies across diverse landscapes.
Born and raised in Maryland, Ritz’s affinity for the outdoors was evident from a young age. His journey into the world of hunting began in childhood, honing his skills in archery and trap shooting. By the age of 16, he had already garnered attention for his prowess in the field.
Continuing his passion for hunting alongside academic pursuits, Ritz attended Ohio Wesleyan University, where he studied English and Economics Management. Notably, he also established the university’s inaugural trap shooting team, showcasing his leadership and entrepreneurial spirit.
Following graduation, Ritz embarked on a career trajectory that seamlessly blended his expertise in hunting with business acumen. From serving as CEO of a commercial hunting preserve to leading a firearms company, he demonstrated a knack for innovation and industry leadership.
In 2007, Ritz founded Wild Communication, a prominent outdoor marketing and media company. Specializing in representing celebrity hunters and providing comprehensive marketing services, the company became a cornerstone of the outdoor industry.
Today, Ritz continues to inspire and engage with his vast following through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, offering glimpses into his adventures in the great outdoors. With an unmistakable presence on platforms like Cameo and his official website,, Gregg Ritz remains a trailblazer in the world of outdoor exploration and media.