Jessenia, formerly known as Jessenia Vice, is a multifaceted powerhouse whose journey from adversity to empowerment has inspired countless individuals worldwide. Born into an Ecuadorian-American family, Jessenia encountered early challenges, grappling with weight disorders and enduring the torment of an abusive relationship. Yet, her resilience and determination paved the path for a remarkable transformation.
During her teenage years, Jessenia confronted significant weight gain, reaching over 200 pounds by the age of sixteen. Faced with health warnings and a desire for change, she battled through anorexia and bulimia, ultimately finding balance, discipline, and self-love to overcome these adversities.
Her struggles continued into adulthood, as she found herself trapped in a toxic marriage marked by domestic abuse. Summoning her inner strength, Jessenia broke free from the cycle of violence, reclaiming her self-confidence and embarking on a journey of self-discovery.
Despite the scars of her past, Jessenia emerged as a beacon of hope, channeling her experiences into advocacy for survivors of domestic abuse. Alongside her career as a recording artist, TV host, comedian, actress, and model, she became a vocal champion for empowerment and self-care.
As a certified personal trainer and sponsored athlete, Jessenia not only reshaped her body but also reshaped her life, inspiring others to embrace their inner strength and pursue their dreams. Today, she serves as a mentor and career counselor, sharing her story of resilience and growth to uplift and empower those in need. Jessenia’s unwavering courage and unwavering spirit continue to shine brightly, illuminating the path to healing and self-discovery for all who follow in her footsteps.