Jordan Verroi was a major character in seasons three and four of the reality series Bravo’s Summer House. The show, which premiered in January 2017, follows a gang of nine friends in Montauk, New York, who share a summer house. Verroi chose to make a quick exit when it was suspected that he would be downgraded from a series regular to a buddy character, and he left filming of the fourth season three weeks early. He revealed in a 2019 interview that he felt like a fish out of water amid the rest of the ensemble, sensing that his castmates’ liberal perspectives didn’t blend well with his conservative views as a southern Christian. Nonetheless, Verroi succeeded in leaving an indelible effect on fans, who remain curious about him even though he has left the Hamptons clan.
Verroi is currently based in the New York City metropolitan region and works for a number of companies. He is the co-founder of CapGenius, a branding tool that connects people’s social media posts with brands for ad opportunities via Instagram. He also works as an advisor to Drum Technologies and, helping to recruit college students for paid work from over 700 college campuses around the country. Verroi is represented by the Chicago boutique talent agency 10 MGMT. He keeps up with his fans on Instagram, where he boasts over 27,000 followers.