Juliet Funt, a globally renowned speaker and the CEO of WhiteSpace at Work, stands at the forefront of the battle against the Age of Overload. With a captivating blend of humor and charisma, she has become a high-impact speaker, connecting with audiences of all levels. Her consulting firm, WhiteSpace at Work, is dedicated to assisting organizations in reclaiming creativity and engagement in the midst of constant demands.
Born with show business genes as the daughter of Allen Funt, the creator of the iconic television show Candid Camera, Juliet made her television debut at the tender age of two. Her diverse career journey includes roles as a Human Relations trainer at the Los Angeles Police Department, actress, singer, food sculptor, and poet. A seasoned performer, she spent years on the professional stage doing improvisational comedy.
Juliet Funt’s impressive client roster spans industries from technology to financial services, including engagements with various Fortune 100 companies. Addressing audiences of 7000 and more, she has left an indelible mark on individuals and organizations alike. Her media presence extends to TV and radio appearances, as well as features in esteemed publications such as The Chicago Tribune, Shape magazine, and the L.A. Times.
As a force for change globally, Funt founded WhiteSpace at Work with a mission to liberate talent from the shackles of reactive busyness. With a passion for helping companies find their WhiteSpace, she guides them towards a renewed fervor for their work, embodying a commitment to unburdening individuals and fostering a culture of productivity and passion.