Kaz Crossley is one of the most notable stars of LoveIsland, the hit UK reality show that keeps viewers locked in all summer long. Ahugely positive character with a positive message to spread, Kaz is a make-upartist by trade, who has worked with plenty of famous faces, including Stormzy,Kem Cetinay and Chris Hughes.
Hailing from London, Kaz now works as a Boohoo ambassadorand has amassed more than 1.2 million followers on Instagram, giving her aconsiderable online influence and reach. The beauty, fashion and fitness expertis a self-styled Thai princess, often seen on the red carpet at high-profileevents and appearing in features for the likes of Heat Magazine. Kaz oftenholds meet-and-greet events up and down the country and has a large followingof fans who are always keen to hear from her and try out her make-up andfashion tips. The reality star also showcased her style wisdom at the beautyfestival, Made Up Leeds, in Yorkshire in 2018. With the media and publichanging on her every appearance, Kaz Crossley is one of the UK’s biggestcelebrities, with plenty of brand endorsement and ambassadorial roles in thepipeline.