Kelci “Saff” Saffery, renowned for his appearances in “The Second City Presents: The Last Show Left on Earth” (2020), “Britain’s Big Cat Mystery” (2021), and “Jesus V. Satan: Rise of the Zombies” (2020), is an unlikely hero whose journey to fame took an unexpected turn.
Saffery gained widespread recognition after his compelling role in the Netflix docu-series “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness.” While working as a zookeeper at GW Zoo, he faced a life-altering incident, losing an arm to a 600-pound tiger. Despite the harrowing experience, Saffery’s resilience and down-to-earth demeanor endeared him to viewers.
In the follow-up episode, “The Tiger King & I,” Saffery surprised fans with his grounded perspective and absence of resentment toward the tiger or his former employer, the infamous Joe Exotic. A dedicated advocate for justice, Saffery became a voice for transmen globally, emphasizing compassion and forgiveness.
Saffery’s journey continued with appearances on popular shows like “Popternative” and “The Last Show On Earth,” showcasing his captivating presence. Throughout his time at GW Zoo, he witnessed both the positive and negative aspects of the company, yet his unwavering trust in the big cats remained unchanged.
Kelci Saffery, an unexpected symbol of resilience and forgiveness, has seamlessly transitioned from the tumultuous world of “Tiger King” to becoming a welcome addition to the entertainment industry, promising to captivate audiences for years to come.