Ken Sugimori is a renowned Japanese video game designer, illustrator, manga artist, and director who has made significant contributions to the video game industry. Born on January 27, 1966, in Tokyo, Japan, Sugimori studied at the Kuwasawa Design School, where he developed the skills that would later place him at the forefront of the video game industry.
Sugimori began his career as an illustrator at the gaming company Game Freak, where he eventually became the art director for the popular Pokémon series. He is best known for creating the original artwork for the first 151 Pokémon characters that captured the imagination of young gamers around the world. His designs for the original generation of Pokémon, including Pikachu, Charizard, and Mewtwo, have become iconic and remain some of the most recognizable and beloved characters in the world of video games.
In addition to his work on Pokémon, Sugimori has also illustrated characters for other series, including the sought after cult classic game, Pulseman. Furthermore, he was the co-founder of the company that brought us Pokémon, Game Freak. He has also contributed to other popular video games, including Mario and Donkey Kong, demonstrating his range and versatility as a video game designer.
Sugimori’s art and character designs have been celebrated in numerous exhibitions and even museums worldwide, solidifying his status as a living legend in the video game industry. In recognition of his achievements, he has received numerous awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Japan Game Awards in 2018.
Through his creative contributions to the world of gaming, Sugimori has touched the lives of millions of gamers and continues to inspire younger generations of game designers. He remains a highly respected figure and an inspiration to many aspiring artists and game designers.