Kristin Gallant and Deena Margolin, the dynamic duo behind the beloved parenting resource Big Little Feelings, bring a blend of expertise and relatability to the often tumultuous journey of raising toddlers. With a combined passion for empowering parents and a knack for infusing humor into the chaos, Kristin and Deena have become trusted voices in the realm of child-rearing.
As the co-founders of Big Little Feelings, Kristin and Deena have cultivated a loyal community of over 200,000 parents through their online courses and amassed a staggering 3.4 million Instagram followers who eagerly devour their nuggets of wisdom. Kristin, a maternal and childhood education specialist, and Deena, a licensed marriage and family therapist, complement each other’s skill sets perfectly, offering a comprehensive approach to tackling the challenges of parenthood.
Kristin Gallant, a seasoned parenting coach and mother of three, calls Denver, Colorado home, where she resides with her supportive husband. Meanwhile, Deena Margolin, also a mom of two, brings her expertise as a licensed child therapist to the table. She and her husband, Michael Hakim, have made their nest in the vibrant Los Angeles area.
Through their podcast and courses, Kristin and Deena provide practical advice and compassionate support to parents navigating the rollercoaster ride of toddlerhood. With Big Little Feelings, they aim to empower families to embrace the journey, one messy moment at a time.