Luisa Vessoni, also known as Lulu Vess, is an enigmatic but increasingly popular fashion and social media influencer from London. She is enjoying particular success on Instagram where she currently has over 41,000 followers and counting. She is also gaining a lot of attention on TikTok — at the time of writing, she has only uploaded 17 videos but they have been liked over 164,000 times and won her over 5,000 fans. To date, she has worked with brands such as Pretty Little Thing, APM Monaco, and Rebellious Fashion to name just three.
Vessoni was born and raised in London and is of Brazilian heritage. She also spent four years studying International Business at Nottingham Trent University, graduating in the summer of 2022. It’s a sign of her entrepreneurial flair that one of her other Instagram accounts, set up specifically to sell the clothing items she wears on her main account, has become a success, gaining nearly 1,000 followers. Elsewhere, she has also been refreshingly open about her journey to Turkey in 2021 to get a nose job. Now with a degree under her belt, it will be interesting to see where she goes next.