Mari Allende is a Puerto Rico-born reality television star of the Bravo show, “Mexican Dynasties.” The series follows three wealthy families in Mexico City and their lavishly over-the-top lifestyles. The Allendes, Bessudos, and Madrazos families are connected to one another through personal and professional relationships dating back decades. Mexico City is a modern cultural capital and it is home to some of the world’s wealthiest people. By focusing on three family dynasties that made their fortunes in the entertainment, beverage, and luxury car industries, this series shines a light on Mexico City’s traditionally private high society realm. In ways that only families can, they challenge the preconceptions associated with their interconnected dynasties, as well as show off the lifestyles of the rich and famous in this global city.
Mari Allende is married to Fernand Allende, the backbone of The Allendes Family. The pair have been together for 30 years, and their relationship thrives on embracing each other’s eccentricities and supporting each other’s desires. They share two sons, Elan and Adan. Fernando, who was once considered a real heartthrob, enjoyed a successful career as a singer, actor, and artist. Allende works tirelessly as her husband’s manager supporting his ongoing career. Allende has an active social media presence. She is an Instagram influencer where she boasts over 10 thousand fans and followers. She posts pictures and videos of her and her family’s extravagant life and travels.