Mark McKinnon, a multifaceted force in American politics, is renowned as a political advisor, reform advocate, media columnist, and television producer. His legacy is deeply intertwined with the success of five presidential primary and general election campaigns, where he played a pivotal role as the chief media advisor. McKinnon’s influence extends beyond individual campaigns; he is a co-founder of No Labels, an organization fervently committed to fostering bipartisanship and finding solutions to political challenges.
As the vice chairman of Public Strategies, Inc., a position he held before its acquisition by Hill & Knowlton Strategies, and as the president of Maverick Media, McKinnon has been a stalwart in the realm of political consulting. His portfolio of clients spans a diverse spectrum, including former President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain, Texas Governor Ann Richards, Congressman Charlie Wilson, and the iconic musician and philanthropist Bono.
Beyond electoral politics, Mark McKinnon is deeply engaged in advocacy work. He has championed causes, companies, and candidates while serving on the boards of numerous organizations dedicated to reforming the influence of money in politics. Currently, he contributes to Take Back Our Republic and the Austin Film Society, and holds positions on the George Foster Peabody Awards board of jurors and the Advisory Council of Represent.Us—an esteemed nonpartisan anti-corruption organization. McKinnon’s enduring commitment to political reform and bipartisan collaboration cements his status as a transformative figure in American political discourse.