Matt Bai is an accomplished American journalist, author, and screenwriter, renowned for his insightful commentary and coverage of national politics. Currently serving as a contributing columnist for the Washington Post, Bai brings a wealth of experience to the realm of political journalism.
From 2014 to 2019, Bai held the position of national political columnist for Yahoo! News, where he made significant contributions to the platform’s political coverage. In July 2019, via Twitter, he announced his departure from Yahoo! News to pursue screenwriting, showcasing his versatility and commitment to exploring different facets of storytelling.
Prior to his tenure at Yahoo! News, Bai spent over a decade as the chief political correspondent for the New York Times Magazine. During this period, he delved into the intricacies of three presidential campaigns and served as a columnist for the New York Times. Notable among his cover stories is the 2008 essay “Is Obama the End of Black Politics?” and the 2004 profile of John Kerry titled “Kerry’s Undeclared War.” Bai’s exceptional work earned him recognition in two editions of The Best American Political Writing.
A proud graduate of Tufts University in Medford, MA, with a degree from the College of Arts and Sciences, Bai further honed his skills at Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism, where he was awarded the prestigious Pulitzer Traveling Fellowship. His foray into screenwriting includes brief appearances as himself in the second season of the TV show House of Cards in 2014, showcasing his ability to bridge journalism and entertainment.