“Shahs of Sunset,” a Bravo reality show hosted by Mercedes “MJ” Javid, is an American reality television show. The show follows a group of Persian Americans who live in Beverly Hills and the surrounding area known as “Tehrangeles” as they strive to balance their hectic social lives and up-and-coming careers with the demands of their families and traditions. Reza Farahan, Golnesa Gharachedaghi, Sammy Younai, Asa Soltan Rahmati, Mike Shouhed, and, of course, Mercedes Javid were all featured in the first series. Javid has been a series regular on Bravo’s blockbuster show for all nine seasons and over a hundred episodes.
In the Hollywood Hills, Javid works as a real estate agent. She works at Keller Williams Realty with Farahan. In 2002, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from California State University. Javid married Tommy Feight in 2018 and gave birth to Shams Francis Feight in 2019. On the show, Javid is known for her tumultuous relationship with her mother, and the two fight constantly. Prior to her father’s terrible death in 2018, she was, nonetheless, incredibly close to him. She is candid about her personal life, especially her family. You can check out her self-titled YouTube channel for Vlogs with her over 10 thousand subscribers. Javid has over 780 thousand Instagram followers and has a very popular Instagram. She also hosts the podcast “Till The Dirt With Tommy and MJ.”