Matt Kepnes, aka Nomadic Matt, is a prominent figure in the world of budget travel, dedicated to empowering individuals to explore the globe affordably and extensively. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Kepnes embarked on a transformative journey into the realm of travel at the age of 23 when he ventured to Thailand in 2005. This experience ignited a profound passion within him, leading him to forsake conventional career paths, complete his MBA, and embrace a nomadic lifestyle filled with exploration and discovery.
As the founder of, Kepnes has established himself as a leading authority on budget travel, offering invaluable insights and practical advice to his vast online community. His groundbreaking debut book, “How to Travel the World on $50 a Day: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Smarter,” published by Penguin in 2013, became an indispensable resource for aspiring adventurers worldwide.
Innovation has been a hallmark of Kepnes’ approach, as demonstrated by his utilization of an initial coin offering to successfully crowdfund his eBook, “Nomadic Matt’s Guide to Backpacking Europe,” in 2018. Not content with merely sharing travel tips, Kepnes delved into the realm of memoir with the publication of “Ten Years a Nomad: A Traveler’s Journey Home” in July 2019, offering readers a deeply personal reflection on his decade-long odyssey.
With a travel repertoire spanning over 70 countries across seven years, Kepnes continues to inspire and empower travelers of all backgrounds to embark on their own transformative adventures, proving that with resourcefulness and determination, the world is within reach for anyone willing to explore it.