Norma Kuhling is an American actor best known for portraying Dr Ava Bekker on Season 3 and 4 of Chicago Med. Chicago Med is is an American medical drama television series created by Dick Wolf and Matt Olmstead, and is also the third installment in Wolf’s Chicago franchise, premiering on NBC in 2015. The show follows the emergency department doctors and nurses of the fictional Gaffney Chicago Medical Center, and Kuhling played a fellow, and lAttending Physician in cardiothoracic surgery, with her storyline often cited as one of the most dramatic of the programme, involving the portrayal of ill mental health and complicated relationship problems.
Kuhling has also worked on Fourteen, a drama which premiered in 2020 looking at two best friends – one who becomes increasingly dysfunctional due to undiagnosed mental illness, or perhaps to drugs, whilst the other aims to help the friend deal with her difficulties – and the show was an instant hit, exploring hard hitting themes. The actor has also recently joined CBS’s SWAT which follows Sergeant Daniel and his team of officers in the Los Angeles police department fight hard-core criminals and strive to protect the public from dange – Kuhling plays new agent Nora Fowler who hints at a possible entanglement with the main character Daniel. Kuhling also enjoys updating her fans on political issues, and has recently spoken out about being immunocompromised – sharing pictures often on her Instagram to over 53 thousand followers.