A widely recognised American physician, comedian, clown, social activist and author, Patch Adams is best known for founding the Gesundheit! Institute in 1971. The institute is a non-profit healthcare organisation which promotes the idea that the health of individuals and community, family, societies and the world at large are all linked. Adams encouraged volunteers from all areas of the globe to dress as clowns and bring a sense of humour to patients, orphans and many people in various countries.
Adams seeks to reinvent the hospital, believing that a person’s environment and wellness are powerfully connected. Adams completed his Doctor of Medicine degree at Virginia Commonwealth University in 1971 and worked at varies clinics and organisations. Adams founded the Gesundheit! Institute soon after graduating, with the aim of running free community hospitals, merging a traditional medical hospital with alternative and modern medicine. Adams is passionate about healthcare and has supported the Ithaca Health Alliance, helping the launch of the Ithaca Free Clinic in 2006.
Adams has won awards for his outstanding contributions, including the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award. He is the honorary chair of the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment. In 1998, the film titled Patch Adams was released and based on himself. The film starred Robin Williams and is a comedy based on Adams’ life story