Paul Willson, an accomplished American film, television, and voice actor, has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry with his versatile performances. Born with the gift of improvisation, Willson gained recognition for his remarkable portrayal of Paul Krapence on the iconic television show “Cheers.” Despite the character originally being named Gregg, Willson’s distinct talents led to a renaming to avoid confusion with another character named Paul on the show.
Throughout his career, Willson showcased his acting prowess in various TV shows, including memorable appearances on “Laverne & Shirley” as Eraserhead in the episode “A Date with Eraserhead” and “Full House” where he played Stu in the episode “Crimes and Michelle’s Demeanor” in 1990. His diverse range can be witnessed in popular series such as “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Boston Public,” “Caroline in the City,” “The Newsroom,” and “Star Trek: Voyager.”
In addition to his on-screen success, Willson ventured into the realm of voice acting, lending his talents to Disney’s “Recess” as Sam Detweiler, T.J.’s father, and the 2001 feature film “Recess: School’s Out.” Cheers producer Ken Levine has lauded Willson as “one of the greatest improv artists I have EVER seen,” a testament to his ability to captivate audiences with his quick wit and unparalleled improvisational skills. Paul Willson’s contributions to the world of entertainment have solidified his legacy as a cherished and multi-talented performer.