Robin Young is an esteemed American television and radio personality with a career spanning over four decades. Born on Long Island, New York, she embarked on her broadcasting journey after graduating from Ithaca College in 1972, later receiving the college’s Outstanding Young Alumni Award in 1982.
Young’s illustrious career began in Boston in 1973, where she started as a secretary at Channel 38. She quickly transitioned to on-air roles, becoming a radio announcer at WBZ in 1975 and making her television debut on WBZ-TV’s Evening Magazine in 1977. Throughout the 1980s, Young solidified her presence in the industry, serving as lead presenter for evening newscasts on WNEV-TV (now WHDH) Channel 7 and founding her own production company, Young Visions.
In 1990, Young earned widespread acclaim and the prestigious Peabody Award for her documentary “The Los Altos Story,” a groundbreaking film promoting HIV/AIDS awareness. Her contributions to broadcasting have been recognized with numerous accolades, including five Emmy Awards and induction into the Massachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame in 2010.
Since 2000, Young has co-hosted the NPR and WBUR daily news magazine program Here and Now, where her insightful interviews with reporters, politicians, artists, and experts have captivated audiences. Beyond her journalistic endeavors, Young has made significant contributions as an independent documentary filmmaker, covering topics ranging from social issues to the arts.
With her wealth of experience and dedication to excellence, Robin Young continues to be a guiding force in the world of broadcasting, enriching the airwaves with her talent, insight, and passion for storytelling.