Former contestant of Survivor: Worlds Apart, Rodney Lavoie Jr is remembered for his strength, team spirit and humor. Rodney was captaining for Boston high school all star football team and the basketball team. He holds a bachelors degree. Rodney enjoys going to the gym, playing basketball, playing video games, and also watching football. At Survivor: Worlds Apart, Rodney first started off on the Blue Collar – Escameca tribe. His strategy to aligning with the women was using his tattoos to win them over. As many other contestants, Rodney too had dislikes towards two other contestants, Dan and Mike, who only made him work harder. His Blue Collar tribe lost immunity on day 11 of the show. After several attempts to remain on the Blue Collar tribe, Rodney was able to stay in it along with Dan, Mike and Sierra. Rodney together with two other contestants had to target another contestant. However, after many days of targeting other contestants, Rodney was shocked to see how the survival was developing. On day 37, Rodney was challenged to go to a firemaking tiebreaker. An hour later, Rodney was able to get fire. On the Final Tribal Council, Rodney voted for his friend Will to win the game, however Mike was the one to win.