Saahil Arora, famously known as Universe, graced the world with his presence as a former American professional Dota 2 player. His journey to greatness started with his love for video games, including Counter-Strike and Starcraft, but his true passion was ignited when he stumbled upon the mesmerizing world of Dota in 2006.
Universe’s professional Dota 2 expedition kicked off in 2013 when he united with Evil Geniuses. He captured the heart of the audience with his outstanding off-laning skills. By 2015, Universe had already sparked the interest of the Dota 2 community with his astounding abilities. During the International 2015 championship, he played a crucial role in Evil Geniuses’ victory, earning a whopping $6.6 million in prize money.
Universe’s competitive spirit never wavered as he continued to strive for greatness with several teams, including Evil Geniuses, Fnatic, and Forward Gaming. His gameplay was characterized by his ability to change the course of the game with his exceptional moves and unparalleled knowledge of hero matchups and game mechanics. His excellence paved the way for him to become one of the greatest off-laners in Dota 2 history.
In 2019, Universe announced his retirement from professional Dota 2, marking the end of an era. The Dota 2 community was left in shock and dismay by the loss of such a prodigious player. Nonetheless, his impressive legacy lives on, and his career earnings from Dota 2 tournaments amount to over $2.7 million, making him one of the highest-earning esports players in history.
Universe was not just a star player; he was also a warrior for mental health awareness in the gaming industry. He spoke vehemently about the challenges that professional gamers faced, including living up to community expectations, coping with pressure, and achieving work-life balance.
The Dota 2 community holds Universe in high regard, and rightfully so. His contributions to the game and the esports industry are a testament to his unwavering dedication, unparalleled skills, and unbridled passion.