Witty and goofy, Shaun Latham is a renowned internet chef, and an unpredictably funny comedian of high energy with a strong stage presence. He hosts his own cooking show, The 20 Dollar Chef, on YouTube, and produces a regular, hilarious podcast, Gunsblazin’.
Latham started his working life off as a waiter at an Improv theatre, jealously looking on at the amateur comics up on stage. Then in 2002, he stepped up on stage himself, and has never looked back. He spent the next two years touring the comedy circuit in his native Arizona, and then in 2004 made the move to Los Angeles to pursue his dreams. He appeared on MTV3 and Si TV in 2007, and in 2010 he co-starred in the feature film, I’m Not Like That No More, alongside Felipe Esparza. He joined YouTube in 2011 and began posting comedy skits and clips, as well as producing his own podcast. He built up his reputation as an unpredictably funny stand-up, and became a regular contributor to Barstool Sports. In 2019 he started The 20 Dollar Chef show on YouTube, a cooking show “for the common man by the common man”.
Latham regularly connects with his legions of dedicated followers and fans through Instagram, Twitter, and twitch.tv, posting pictures, videos and live streaming about his comical and foodie everyday life. He also has two YouTube channels, The 20 Dollar Chef, and shaunlathamcomedy.