Liang-Shun Lim, known professionally as Shin Lim, is an illustrious Canadian-American magician, celebrated worldwide for his mesmerizing performances characterized by unparalleled card manipulation and sleight of hand. Often hailed as the Mozart of Magic, Shin Lim holds the prestigious title of World FISM (Magic Olympics) Champion for Close-up Card Magic, showcasing his mastery on global platforms.
His prowess transcends borders, captivating audiences with meticulously crafted magical ballets, blending music, and mystique. Renowned for his dexterity, precision, and graceful execution, Shin Lim’s performances have graced stages across continents, from the vibrant entertainment hub of Macau to the glittering lights of Las Vegas.
At the pinnacle of his career, Shin Lim stands as the sole two-time winner of America’s Got Talent (AGT), an accolade bestowed upon him by the American audience, affirming his universal appeal and unmatched talent.
Currently, Shin Lim mesmerizes audiences at the MGM Mirage Theater in Las Vegas with his captivating show titled “Limitless,” a testament to his boundless creativity and innovation in the realm of magic.
Beyond his magical endeavors, Shin Lim cherishes his roots near Boston, Massachusetts, where he resides, embodying the fusion of his Canadian and American heritage. In 2019, he exchanged vows with Casey Thomas, his beloved partner whom he met during a tour in Macau, cementing their magical connection in the enchanting tapestry of love and artistry.