Thomas George Cassell, widely known as Syndicate, has left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape, earning his place as one of the pioneers in the realm of YouTube and Twitch. Hailing from Manchester, Cassell’s journey into the gaming industry began with a burning passion that ignited the creation of his gaming channel, “TheSyndicateProject,” on September 3, 2010.
As a trailblazer in the gaming content arena, Syndicate’s early videography focused on Let’s Play videos, notably on popular titles like Call of Duty and Minecraft. His charismatic commentary and immersive gameplay quickly resonated with audiences, catapulting him to online stardom. The recognition came not only from his growing fanbase but also from industry giants such as Activision and Machinima, with whom he signed to monetize his captivating content.
TheSyndicateProject soared to new heights, achieving milestones like surpassing one million subscribers in June 2012 and amassing over one billion views by late 2013. Syndicate’s influence extended beyond YouTube, venturing into the realm of livestreaming on Twitch, where he became the first to reach the remarkable milestone of one million followers in August 2014.
His impact within the gaming community earned him accolades and nominations, including a Golden Joystick Award nomination for “YouTube Gamer” in 2012 and recognition as one of the top gaming influencers by Forbes in 2017. As of May 29, 2023, Syndicate’s gaming YouTube channel boasts over nine million subscribers and 2.1 billion views, while his Twitch channel has garnered over three million followers. With a combined total of 12.2 million subscribers and 2.7 billion views across his two YouTube channels, Syndicate’s legacy as a gaming icon continues to flourish.