Regarded as one of the earliest gaming personalities Thomas George Cassell, who is better known online as Syndicate, is an award-winning YouTuber and streamer. His uploads consists of Let’s Play videos on such games as Call of Duty and Minecraft, and his gaming YouTube channel boasts 9.7 million subscribers, with over 2 billion views! In 2017 he was recognised by Forbes magazine as one of the top gaming influencers.
Born and raised in Manchester, Cassell studied software development and video game design at Sixth-form college. After graduating he worked to purchase gaming equipment for his YouTube videos and eventually quite his job after gaining a substantial following and decided to forge ahead with his online gaming career. He registered his gaming YouTube channel as TheSyndicateProject in 2010 and began to upload Let’s Play videos, going on to amass a huge following and attract corporate recognition, as well as indulge in vlogging and business ventures.
Syndicate regularly connects with his millions of followers and fans through Instagram,, Facebook, and Twitter, posting pictures and comments about his day-to-day life. He also has two dedicated YouTube channels: Syndicate, and Life of Tom, as well as an official merchandise website,