Will Castro, born on April 4, 1969, in Puerto Rico, is a renowned producer and actor recognized for his work on hit TV shows like “Unique Whips,” “Unique Miami,” and “Unique Rides.” Raised on the Lower East Side, Castro’s journey into the automotive world began in the early 1980s as an apprentice at John’s Auto Body in Islip, fueling his lifelong passion for cars. He later founded Willie’s Shape & Shine in Islip, a car-detailing company, which eventually transformed into Unique Conversions in Brentwood, Unique Autosports in Uniondale, and Unique Holbrook.
Castro’s breakthrough came in 2005 with the premiere of “Unique Whips,” a Speed Channel show documenting the customization of celebrity cars by Long Island-based Unique Autosports. The series, created and produced by Hollywood East TV’s Steve Hillebrand and Corey Damsker, showcased Castro’s expertise in car customization, featuring celebrities like P. Diddy, DJ Pauly D, and LeBron James.
In addition to his television success, Castro is also an accomplished author, having penned the bestselling book, “Unique Hustle: My Drive to be the Best Car Customizer in Hip Hop and Sports.” His Instagram account, boasting nearly half a million followers, provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse into his celebrity car customization projects, showcasing his creative flair and passion for the world of automobiles. Will Castro continues to leave an indelible mark as a celebrated figure in the automotive and entertainment industry.