Association of Independent Music extends Crisis Fund deadline | MN2S

The fund was set up as a resource for those working in the live music sector affected by the global pandemic.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a devastating disruption in the operations of many industries across the world, including live music. In order to combat the aftermath of the virus and it’s economic consequences for those working in the sector, The Association of Independent Music (AIM) has declared its COVID-19 Crisis Fund is once again opening for additional applications.

The Crisis Fund was created in April in order to provide financial aid to independent contractors and freelancers within the music industry who were experiencing economic hardships as a result of the global crisis. Due to the ongoing disruption caused by the virus, and thanks to generous donors, the fund has extended its deadline into June/July, exceeding the initial period of April/June. 

As of today, almost 200 industry members affected by the pandemic, including live crew members, tour managers, agents, sound engineers, producers, managers, promoters, publicists, label members and developing artists, have been provided with financial aid from the crisis fund. It is widely believed that the live music industry was one of the first industries to be shut down by the COVID-19 pandemic, and has been strongly affected by the cessation of live events and large gatherings. This fund is essential to the continued wellbeing of many industry members. 

Any eligible freelancers or contractors can apply to the fund now. Those interested in submitting an application can go directly through the AIM website. AIM welcomes applications from individuals of any and all backgrounds, including those who are registered as disabled, as these groups are currently underrepresented within the music industry. Some of the generous members and stakeholders who have either pledged or contributed to the fund include: AIM, Beggars Group, Cherry Red Records, Elephant Music, EmuBands, Ninja Tune, PPL, Specific Music and SRVL.

The AIM crisis fund are accepting donations. If you are able to contribute, please email 

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