MN2S Label Services: Monthly Round-up | Label Services | MN2S

We service over 250 independent labels.

MN2S Label Services department services over 250 independent labels across house, techno, garage and more. We work alongside a broad range of imprints, offering a range of services aimed at helping record labels flourish in the global market. In addition to providing invaluable industry expertise, we assist labels in distribution, rights management, promotion, social media, legal, licensing and design, enabling you to maximise revenue while fully realising your creative vision.

We’re consistently updating our label roster, signing new and exciting imprints from across the spectrum of electronic music and beyond. Here’s a round-up of our newest signings from over the past month.

FRL Classic Edition

A sister label to our existing client, Frole Records, FRL Classic Edition released their first 12″ in December: two remixes of DMS’ “Let Me Tell You Somethinn”. Frole are an established Italian label, specialising in deep house and techno, that have released records from legendary producers Todd Terry, Rick Wade and more.

Movement Soul

Movement Soul is a soulful house label run by the prolific artist Jihad Muhammad. He’s consistently used the label as an outlet to share his own material, though they’ve also put out euphoric belters from DJ Beloved, Zandy Shejay and Rescue Poetix.

Black Lizard Records

Black Lizard Records are returning to MN2S Label Services in 2019. A part of the Lizard Music Group, Black Lizard is a sister label to Pink Lizard Records, one of our existing clients, and they intend to bring the entire group over to MN2S throughout the coming year. Another Italian imprint, they’ve released energetic house sounds from from Luca Debonaire, Nicola Fasano, Leandro Da Silva and Silvio Carrano.

Find out more about how MN2S can help your label grow.


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