Interview with 'LoveStyle' records label | Features | MN2S

To celebrate LoveStyle Records’ four years, 500 tracks and 150 releases on MN2S, we spoke to label head Roland László.

On 3 April LoveStyle Records will release ‘Take It Away’ by Klangspieler & Blondee featuring Jason Anousheh — their 150th release and 500th track with MN2S Label Services. Today the label turns four years old.

To celebrate these two milestones, we spoke to label founder and head Roland László. We asked Roland a few questions about running the label. He also told us about his favourite LoveStyle releases from the labels’ four year history. But first, here’s Roland with the new record…

lsr150 cover

Roland László: “I’ve got a demo from a big name, Blondee, who already worked with labels like Universal Music, Sony, Kontor, Armada, and many more. So it was an honour to get a demo from a successful artist like Blondee, who actually delivered a collaboration with Klangspieler, who also has his own music signed with Sony Music.

I’ve got two talented guys featuring a brilliant vocalist, Jason Anousheh. All of them are based in Germany.

I am so happy to do a World Wide Premier of the 150th release, the 500th track on LoveStyle and a 4 year anniversary release exclusively on MN2S:

Exclusive Beatport & Spotify release date: 03 April 2017.”

Roland László


MN2S: What inspired you to start LoveStyle Records and what is the label’s main focus?

“I’d been involved in electronic music for 14 years. I’d seen how the music industry is changing from time to time and I wanted to become a part of this circle and present something to the world.

The main focus was always on new talents. I think quality music comes out not only from big artists. There are tons of undiscovered talented artists in the world and I want to give them the opportunity to get a bit more fame/focus/success.

This focus lives today too. Some of the acts have already grown bigger and they have become big artists in their own countries. Some of them have become well-known in the rest of the world too. That’s what makes me happy!”

What are your personal highlights from the label’s first four years?

“Personal highlights, hmm… It’s hard to tell, but I think what makes me happiest are the licence requests from world famous labels like Defected, Kontor, Toolroom, Armada, Hed Kandi, and many more.

Also, I’m really happy to see Beatport giving features to almost all of LoveStyle’s releases. Big banners, small banners, ‘must hear of the week’, and especially that a lot of our releases enter their Top 100 charts.

Our Spotify is also growing so fast. We’ve got huge number of plays so, I am thankful to all of the fans of LoveStyle.

…and especially the biggest highlight is to be a part of this brilliant team at MN2S distribution! Much love guys!”

Who are some of your dream artists you want to see on LoveStyle?

“To be honest, I never think about things like this. I want to go with the flow and keep releasing quality music to the crowd.

If I need to name some right now, I would say: EDX, Croatia Squad, Sam Feldt, Ferreck Dawn, Don Diablo, and a lot more. But as I said, small acts can do big things too, in my opinion!”

Where do you see LoveStyle Records going in the next four years?

“I hope that I can push LoveStyle’s name and fame higher and higher!
LoveStyle is my “little child”, music is my love… I just want to release quality music all of the time.”

Tell us about your favourite LoveStyle tracks from over the years

“It’s really hard to pick one track from of all the years, especially since I made the final decision over which tracks got signed or not, which ones I feel or like. I do love all of our releases, so it’s hard to pick one, but I’ll try.”

First year:

“In those days Domyan was a main act on Hungarian DJ scene. He later turned to a more underground and darker style, so it’s a shame we’re not working together anymore. However I really enjoyed working with him and I picked my favourite of his ‘Flying Higher’ release, which is a remix by Danish talent: Lou Van.”

Second year:

“The second year was a breakthrough in LoveStyle’s life; we have released tons of bombs, we have entered the Beatport Top 100 with almost all of our releases, and I have started to release music on every Monday.

There are many many releases which stayed close to my heart, but I think the strongest one was the remake of the classic track ‘Crush’ by the Turkish duo, Deepjack & Mr.Nu, featuring the astonishing Veselina Popova on the vocals from Bulgaria. It’s a collab remix by the Greek star Liva K, and the French producer Maxim Kurtys.”

Third year:

“In the third year our tracks were licensed by big labels like Defected, Toolroom, Kontor, and many more.

As with the previous picks, the decision is really hard again, but I think I was diggin’ Marc Moosbrugger’s ‘My Heart’ the most. Actually, this track has close to 500k plays on Spotify, so it’s a must have piece, in my opinion!”

Fourth year:

“Here we are back to the present and I am trying to bring the best tunes and artists to the scene as usual. My pick for this year was by a Russian artist, who made a brilliant single called ‘I Miss You’. The artist is Tom Reason. He had a couple of releases before on our label, but this track gave him, and LoveStyle too, a little extra boost in fame. The track was supported by really big acts like: Dannic, Lost Frequencies, Paige, and many more!”

‘Take It Away’ by Klangspieler & Blondee featuring Jason Anousheh is out on 3rd April 2017.

If you want to be a part of LoveStyle Records, feel free to send your demos to

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